I was attending a function at the Goolge Plex last night and was amazed at just how far Google looks to push their brand experience. I would have to say that it was a first to see outhouses all alight with Google’s colors.
If the outhouses were following the brand palette, so was everything else: the bar and colors of cups they serve; the building decor; the snowcone colors; the lighting upon the wall. Google has shown great execution with their brand and obviously that attention to detail pours over into all facets of their business.
As for July 2007, Google is commanding a 64.4% market share of search (reported by Hitwise.) Not a bad run since September 1998 to have built up almost a 160B market cap.
While on Google, George Anders also has an interesting piece in the Wall Street Journal on Google’s ability to execute going forward. Just a snippit for your delight.
“History suggests that it is perilous to seek long-lasting inspiration from young companies when they are riding high. In the early 1980s, experts lauded People Express for developing an upbeat, winning approach to employee relations. Unfortunately, that couldn’t protect the airline from financial troubles and an eventual sale of the company on distressed terms.”