Circ was proud to be a sponsor of the 2016 Dancing with the Jackson Hole Stars, a fund raiser for the Children’s Learning Center. It’s was another banner year and we are proud to have done our part to contribute to this vital community childcare center.
Along the way we helped one of the dancing couples with producing this little video promo. It’s hard beat the value of a short-form video asset to help fundraise and sell the humor in having to dance in public.
Dancing Marvins from Latham Jenkins on Vimeo.
The fundraiser was a great success with over $256,000 dollars raised in a single event. Way to go Jackson Hole for digging deep and supporting these dancing couples, great event and community institution.
How to effectively promote your business online.
Visitors that come to Jackson Hole are looking for travel information online including video of their favorite destination. Web video can help highlight aspects of your business. Let your online audience authentically experience your product or service like no other medium can.
Learn how to effectively promote your business online at a seminar presented by Circumerro and Jackson Hole Chamber of Commerce. The seminar will take place on Wednesday, February 27th from 8–9 a.m. at the First Interstate Bank training room, 802 W. Broadway. A light breakfast will be provided.
What you will learn in the seminar:
—How Web video has increased sales for other businesses
—How to utilize it in your business
—How easy it is to shoot and distribute online
Please RSVP by 2/25 to Mary Haworth at 307-733-3316 ext. 17 or maryh@jacksonholechamber.com.
Circumerro launched a new division, Circumerro Video, targeted to help Jackson Hole businesses create short-form video profiles for their websites. Since the division’s recent launch, over thirty films have been made featuring local businesses and organizations. “Video is the greatest content tool to hit the Web yet,” said Latham Jenkins, president of Circumerro. “It allows consumers to experience your product or service vs. just being told why to buy it.”
Circumerro Video creates Web videos for local businesses and organizations, from travel resources and hospitality providers to product launches and fundraising efforts. “Nearly any business or organization out there can expect competitive advantages with Web video,” said Jenkins. “The conversion rates we’re seeing with online users are amazing and our destination community is perfect for the adoption of video to help communicate with out-of-area consumers.”
“People tend to respond to video on a more personal level than any other medium,” added Circumerro Video Producer Alden Wood, who previously worked at MTV in Los Angeles for over five years before moving to Jackson Hole in 2004. “People get to see the business, the owners and the employees. How they speak, their body movement, their sense of humor—it’s very authentic,” continued Wood.
“One story really stands out as testimony of Web video’s power,” said Jenkins. “After seeing a video online we created for a local real estate agent, an individual flew to Jackson aboard his private jet to purchase the property, which was listed for over $4 million.” Circumerro Video completes all aspects of production, from preproduction to post. Videos range from thirty seconds to over four hours and are shot in the industry’s latest High Definition Video.
Circumerro Video also provides the hosting of the videos, in addition to distributing the Web videos to online media sites like Google, Yahoo, MSN, YouTube, and others.
Circumerro Video’s first real estate Web video listing successfully sells a $4+ million dollar home in Teton Village.
Circumerro Video’s first project—a Web video for Teton Village Realty highlighting a custom home at 3600 McCollister Drive in Teton Village, Wyoming—has proved highly successful, resulting in the recent sale of this $4+ million home. Web Video is the next frontier on the Internet, and real estate is well served by the deliverability of this medium and the connectivity it affords. Gone are the days of spatially disorienting 360-degree virtual tours—video is the next best thing to being on the property.
“Our client saw the video on our website and played it multiple times to see the home and get a feel for it,” says Teton Village Realty’s Jeff Ward. “It allows the buyer to become one with the house, and me the selling agent, to create a rapport with the client before we’ve even met,” adds Ward. “In today’s world you don’t just try and sell people on your listing, you need to let them experience it,” says Circumerro President Latham Jenkins. “Video offers a depth of experience you cannot achieve with regular listing photos—it is engaging.
Not only is video a great tool for showing the listing, it allows the personality of the realtor to come forth, creating a connection with the audience. Whether the viewer buys the listed property or not, a relationship with a new, potential client has begun.” Circumerro Video welcomes the opportunity to help you with your video needs. Listings and agent profiles are two examples of how Web video can help you stand apart from the crowd and showcase your properties and expertise.