In prep for the big Halloween party at Snow King, a crew of 9 of us decided it was a great day to skin or hike up Grand Targhee to make some turns, enjoy the sun and have a great view of the Grand Teton. Grand Targhee is not open yet, and Teton Pass didn’t have enough snow, so we’re giving this a try!
The need to be the first to ski—many other people had the same thought. There were cars of people gearing up to get some early turns as well. We all congregated and decided we’d meet at the top of Fred’s Mountain. Get to the top when you get there is the motto.
Us girls were dragging in the back, so when we arrived, here came Randy snowboarding down in a battery-operated blow-up flamingo costume. A perfect way to get our attention and some laughs, and to have our picture on Photo of the Day for the Jackson Hole web site! We all make it down safe and sound, a few falls here and there with the snow thickening. But a worth-while experience. Time to get home and take a nap before we hit the town.
Here’s to an awesome ski season ahead!