The 2008-09 Jackson Hole Rendezvous is now fully distributed around Jackson Hole lodging establishments. In its twelfth year as a Circumerro Media publication, Rendezvous has been a core visitor service in-room guide to Jackson Hole. It provides area visitors with insightful information on how to make the most of their Jackson hole vacation.
About the Traveler’s in-room guest directory to Jackson Hole
Rendezvous is a traveler’s in-room guest directory to Jackson Hole, reaching over 800,000 visitors in over 66 hotels and 4,000 rooms in the greater Jackson Hole area annually. This premier hardbound keepsake impressions guests as they make decisions about where to dine, shop and recreate in Jackson Hole.
Hitting the streets now is the 2008 Pocket Guide to Jackson Hole from Circumerro Media. Featuring new maps for both the Jackson Hole valley and Town of Jackson, increased advertising participation as a result of our great success with our first edition, and an expanded distribution of 100,000 for 2008-09.
About the Pocket Guide to Jackson Hole
The Pocket Guide to Jackson Hole is for the on-the-go Jackson Hole traveler and provides the information you need in your pocket to shop, dine and play. The Pocket Guide to Jackson Hole includes a pull-out Town of Jackson map as well as an updated overview map of Jackson Hole and Teton Valley, Idaho.

Great news: my breaking news story on the Jackson Hole elf problem was an immense success!
Viewed over 6,300 times in 53 countries and in all 50 states (including the District of Columbia, they say, but I don’t know why Canada should count), over 850 kindhearted people worldwide signed Latham Jenkins Save-The-Elves-And-Cut-The-Costs-And-Do-Good-All-At-Once Christmas petition, helping to donate over $1,000 to needy families in Jackson Hole and clean up the streets of its former wayward elves. The hard work, simple determination and the inability to show fear in front of one’s adversaries helped me and my dedicated two-man crew make “The Godfather” of all Rocky Mountain West Freelance Video Newscasts. And do some good, too.
Great things have also happened for me personally. EFIN finally agreed to meet with me to discuss possibly being rehired. They say budget constraints are tight this year, but they were able to offer me the next best thing: an unpaid internship! I’ll be helping Darrel with the lights and Laquesha with her errands. A radio station at Central South Dakota Community College has even approached me in hopes of airing a weekly show on smooth jazz and soft beats. 2008 is certainly a year of positive change!
To all of my friends that I made and that I have yet to make in Jackson Hole, I thank you for your kind hospitality. Perhaps in 2008 you will encounter another problem. Perhaps in 2008 you will have a need for LJ Logger-Foot.
Jackson Hole, know that I’ll be there (should my now-busy schedule permit).
—LJ Logger-Foot
In response to Jackson Hole’s ever-increasing elf problem, local business owner Latham Jenkins has created the nonprofit SaveTheElves.org. Fed up with the current elf situation, Jenkins has written a petition pleading that Santa Claus himself bring an extra large sleigh down to Jackson Hole before Christmas so he can gather up the elves and take them back to the North Pole so that they might be reintroduced into elf society and lead productive elf lives.
Elves have traditionally gathered on the National Elf Refuge in Jackson Hole as a resting place along their journey back to the North Pole from warmer climates during their off-season break. Today, however, a large quantity of elves has straggled behind. Unfortunately for Jackson Hole locals, the wayward elves are often the mischievous and delinquent members of elf society. From harassing tourists and sleeping on park benches, to pan-handling, illegally washing windshields, dangerously playing in traffic and other acts of debauchery, the elves have outstayed their welcome.
Not being residents, financially addressing the issue requires donations from private individuals and corporations. Forever kind at heart, Jenkins took the high road and created the nonprofit SaveTheElves.org in order to relocate the elves to the North Pole and reintroduce them into elf society where they can once again lead productive lives. In addition, SaveTheElves.org hopes to cut costs from the failed Elf Work Relief Program that forced many Jackson Hole business owners to absorb exorbitant costs from unemployment.
In a bid to obtain the quota of 1000 signatures needed to relocate the elves and send them on the righteous path, Jenkins’ company Circumerro will donate one dollar to the Children’s Learning Center’s “Adopt-A-Family” program for every electronic signature received, which will ultimately help local families in need this holiday season.
Central South Dakota renowned former EFIN freelance correspondent LJ Logger-Foot has also created an informative video that provides high-profile video capturings of prominent Jackson Hole locals and never-before-seen footage of the elves in action. The video is featured exclusively on SaveTheElves.org, and, quoting Stacey Logger (Logger-Foot’s ex-wife), “wonderfully captures the misguided and mediocre nature of LJ.”
About SaveTheElves.org
Initiated during the 2007 holiday season, the nonprofit SaveTheElves.org was created by business owner Latham Jenkins in order to rid the Jackson Hole community of its wayward elf problem. SaveTheElves.org hopes its Christmas petition will obtain enough signatures to allow Santa Claus to relocate the wayward elves and rehabilitate them into being the meaningful and productive members of the North Pole elf community they once were. SaveTheElves.org also hopes to cut unemployment costs.
About Circumerro
Founded in 1995 and based in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, Circumerro is a creative media agency with four divisions: Creative, Publishing, Web Video and Stock Photography. Circumerro builds products and provides services that create relationships between buyers and sellers through delivering best-in-class service and communication tools.
Traditionally, elves have gathered on the National Elf Refuge in Jackson Hole as a resting place on their journey from warmer climes during their off-season back to the North Pole to help Santa make and deliver toys to all the girls and boys of the world. The gathering of the elves was a pleasant time for them to relax and for Jackson Hole locals and visitors to watch the elves, observing them in the wild before they began the final leg of their journey to the North Pole.
But times have changed. Today, some elves have straggled behind the rest of the pack. These are the more mischievious and delinquent elves of elf society, and they are beginning to take a toll on the Jackson Hole community. Some of these particularly troubling elves can, from time to time, be seen loitering outside the National Elf Refuge, no longer allowed onto their previous resting grounds for concern by local officials and refuge managers that they are depleting the natural resources and harassing other wildlife on the refuge. In addition, elves have been spotted around the Town of Jackson, harrassing tourists and others in the Town Square, sleeping on park benches and in bus stop shelters, pan-handling, illegally attempting to wash car windows of passers-by, playing in traffic, throwing snowballs at vehicles, and generally wreaking havoc and causing a nuisance throughout Jackson Hole.
When this problem first came to light, Town of Jackson officials created a local worker elf program to get delinquint elves off the street and help make them productive members of our human society. Local businesses have employed elves in various capacities. Mayor Mark Barron himself has employed elves in the town offices and at his own business. Unfortunately, the effort has been almost entirely unsuccessful. Again, this year the elves are, more often than not, creating trouble in the workplace or simply not showing up for their jobs, and are back to causing a nuisance around the valley.
So this year, fed up with the current elf situation, local businessman and owner of Circumerro, Latham Jenkins, has begun the Save The Elves campaign, starting a petition pleading to Santa Claus himself to bring an extra large sleigh down here to Jackson Hole before Christmas, gather up the elves, and take them back to the North Pole, to their natural habitat, where they can be reintroduced into elf society and lead productive lives.
So, as part of Circumerro’s message of good will and peace on earth this holiday season, we are asking everyone around the world to support the Save The Elves campaign, letting Santa know how important it is for him to retrieve these wayward elves and take them back to the North Pole in time to help make toys for this year’s Christmas. Please visit SaveTheElves.org to watch our informative video and sign the petition to Save the Elves.
For every person who signs our online petition, giving their name and email address, Circumerro will donate one dollar to Jackson Hole’s Children’s Learning Center (CLC) supporting families in need this holiday season. Remember, all you need to do to save the elves and help a family in need this holiday season is sign the petition. Circumerro will take care of coordinating with Santa and making the donation to the Children’s Learning Center.
Thank you for your help in this worthy cause. Please be sure to tell your friends and family about SaveTheElves.org, and have a happy holiday season.
Seasons greetings and peace on earth,
Your friends at Circumerro
Circumerro launched a new division, Circumerro Video, targeted to help Jackson Hole businesses create short-form video profiles for their websites. Since the division’s recent launch, over thirty films have been made featuring local businesses and organizations. “Video is the greatest content tool to hit the Web yet,” said Latham Jenkins, president of Circumerro. “It allows consumers to experience your product or service vs. just being told why to buy it.”
Circumerro Video creates Web videos for local businesses and organizations, from travel resources and hospitality providers to product launches and fundraising efforts. “Nearly any business or organization out there can expect competitive advantages with Web video,” said Jenkins. “The conversion rates we’re seeing with online users are amazing and our destination community is perfect for the adoption of video to help communicate with out-of-area consumers.”
“People tend to respond to video on a more personal level than any other medium,” added Circumerro Video Producer Alden Wood, who previously worked at MTV in Los Angeles for over five years before moving to Jackson Hole in 2004. “People get to see the business, the owners and the employees. How they speak, their body movement, their sense of humor—it’s very authentic,” continued Wood.
“One story really stands out as testimony of Web video’s power,” said Jenkins. “After seeing a video online we created for a local real estate agent, an individual flew to Jackson aboard his private jet to purchase the property, which was listed for over $4 million.” Circumerro Video completes all aspects of production, from preproduction to post. Videos range from thirty seconds to over four hours and are shot in the industry’s latest High Definition Video.
Circumerro Video also provides the hosting of the videos, in addition to distributing the Web videos to online media sites like Google, Yahoo, MSN, YouTube, and others.
Locale announced today the launch of its redesigned network of Web sites featuring real estate in lifestyle places to live. To date, Locale’s real estate network features nine sites, from Charleston SC real estate to Jackson Hole real estate.
Knowing that more than 80 percent of real estate buyers now conduct their initial research online, Locale aims to enhance and aid in the real estate information gathering process for those looking to relocate to “blue-chip” communities while improving conversion rates for advertisers.
“Whether people might be searching for Beaufort SC real estate or simply coastal real estate in South Carolina, we know that people searching for real estate have moved online and that the Internet is the most effective medium for those in the market,” said Latham Jenkins, President and Founder of Locale. “Success online requires you to marry your listings with contextual content about the lifestyle, specifying what the neighborhood or region offers prospective buyers.”
Locale has incorporated the latest Internet technology and best practices into its many sites, including: blogs authored by local real estate industry experts; videos featuring properties, agents, agencies and regions; and vastly expanded content about each locale. Knowing that transparency of information is paramount with today’s buyers, Locale increases the “deal flow” between buyers and sellers by giving buyers what they need to make informed decisions. “It is a simple strategy,” continued Jenkins, “most Internet users start their online experience with a search engine, where all of our Locales—from Savannah real estate to ranch real estate in the West—have top rankings.
The users then enter the Locale site, where we sell them on the lifestyle benefits of that locale through insightful, informative and locally produced content. We then help them choose a neighborhood or region based on their preferences and show them the available inventory for that particular area,” said Jenkins.
Locale offers many advertiser benefits. By achieving top search engine rankings, Locale drives real estate-specific traffic into each marketplace where listings are previewed by a highly targeted audience of prospective buyers. Locale now features larger, standardized banner ads with less competition on each page, resulting in greater per-ad impact.
In short, Locale provides realtors with an inexpensive, customizable Internet marketing campaign through a highly qualified advertising platform. Locale has partnered with top national brands for real estate search and is garnering increased exposure for its advertisers’ listings through New York Times and Wall Street Journal. Locale listings are also syndicated through Google Base, Trulia and Oodle. Join Locale today and reach buyers in the market for real estate in lifestyle places to life.
Locale is the network of Lifestyle Real Estate in Exceptional Places to Live. We provide you with powerful search tools to find the right real estate in an exceptional place—the kind of place you have always wanted to live. Then we give you perspective on what it’s like to be a local. For realtors, Locale delivers the most targeted, qualified audience of online real estate buyers through our top-ranking Web sites with local focus and national scope.
Locale is published by Circumerro in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Circumerro’s divisions include Creative, Publishing, Stock and Video. Together they provide best-in-class communications tools and services.

Last night around 9pm I had a sweet little moment after putting the kids to bed where I sat on the porch and appreciated the incredible view and solitude this place has to offer. The view, always inspiring, was made particularly appreciable by the color and shape of the clouds.
Just as I was deep in appreciation, I noticed a couple of cars drive by the house that were obviously not from around here (the California plates generally give them away). Now, the road I live on accesses an area in the Hole that has become very desirable, and there are quite a few “second homes” in the area. (It’s always funny to hear the second homeowners or the newly transplanted talk about how long they’ve been coming here, but that’s a whole other topic, and frankly, it doesn’t matter.)
I’ve seen a lot of sunsets—and sunrises for that matter—from this porch and have developed an intimacy with evening in that spot throughout the seasons. But it got me thinking about the familiarity one gets with a place after many years of watching the seasons go by, and I wondered about those second homeowners and their memories of passing seasons in the Hole. Do they only remember the prime summer or winter experiences, or do they develop an appreciation for the cold, wet and snowy times as well? Or do they simply head back to California, Texas or wherever when the Hole is not as nice a place to be? Of course, some do. And do they have a similar appreciation for the view from their porch in the place they call home? One can only hope they do, for without the appreciation of a place you call home—and that is special—what’s the point?
Circumerro Video was featured in the June 20 issue of the Jackson Hole News&Guide Business Focus special section. The article is reprinted here for your reading enjoyment.
Circumerro Video
With at least 60 percent of the online population regularly watching web videos, one Jackson-based company is setting the trend locally by offering affordable Web video services for both local and national businesses. Circumerro Video, a new division of Circumerro, recently began offering its services in order to help clients effectively connect with customers through short-form video on the Internet.
“Video offers a depth of experience you cannot achieve in other mediums,” said Circumerro President Latham Jenkins. “Don’t sell people on your product or service, let people experience it!” Supervising producer Alden Wood described Circumerro’s videos as short documentaries, where clients can convey themselves and connect on a personal level with consumers. “Video is a lot easier than reading a Web page, it is easy to digest” said Jenkins. “People are creatures of habit, thus watching video online is a natural extension. It allows us to engage them in the offering.”
Examples of clients who have used Circumerro Video’s services are: real estate brokers, to either introduce themselves to consumers or showcase a home they are selling; business owners, to connect personally with their customers; and spokespeople, making public relations announcements. “Video offers effective means of communication for nearly every industry, offering new possibilities to connect with one’s audience,” said Jenkins. “It allows businesses to connect with consumers in ways that are more personal, direct and rewarding.” The authentic delivery of a professionally produced, unscripted video is what helps to sell a message,” said Wood. “Almost anyone can use video to further sell their products.”
Generally structured as 30-second to 4-minute presentations, Circumerro’s production crew puts together the entire video in what they describe as a “soup to nuts” process. All videos are shot in high-definition, edited in-house, and are hosted in a manner that allows for easy viewing on any client’s website.
“All of our videos are shot and edited utilizing the industry’s newest and most innovative technologies,” said Jenkins. “Not only do the videos look great, but they have a 95% delivery rate, no longer do you have all the browser and plug-in conflicts.”
Another advantage to using Circumerro Video is the speed at which clients and their customers can see and use the videos. Circumerro’s crew can turn most projects around within a week to two weeks, allowing for time-sensitive projects to be fulfilled in an efficient manner. “Video is the new content asset online and I encourage local businesses to embrace the medium, it will create radical change in how we go about our daily Internet experience in the near future,” said Jenkins. “We have had great success stories with our web videos and the conversion rates are far higher than standard Internet banners,” he added.
Videos can be produced and delivered starting at under $1,000.
—Allison Arthur
We’ve finally seen the fruits of about eight months of our labor over here at Circumerro Publishing. Our three main publications have been out for about three weeks now and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive.
Under the guidance of our fearless leader, a new publishing team was assembled in the past year to freshen things up in Publishing. With that direction, our talented designers have completely redesigned Homestead and our flagship publication, Rendezvous.
In addition, a new piece was created to help augment Rendezvous: the Rendezvous Pocket Guide. This companion to our traveler’s guide to Jackson Hole provides the Jackson Hole visitor with business listings and a helpful map of the area (proudly sponsored by START Bus and including their stops—something we hope will encourage folks to utilize public transit). It can be found on brochure racks and at concierge desks throughout “the Hole” and, best of all, it’s pocket-sized.
We’re particularly pleased with the new Homestead magazine. It has been increased in size to a 10 x 12 inch publication with more beautiful home pictures and editorial content. We’ve also increased the circulation and made it available for sale on newsstands throughout the region. We hope you take the time to pick up a copy, which you can do at newsstands or by contacting us Circumerro.
You can learn more about several of Circumerro’s products in the special Business Focus section in today’s Jackson Hole News&Guide. Let us know what you think; we hope you like what you see.