It’s not every day a Pulitzer-Prize winning, national newspaper like the Wall Street Journal turns to an established local agent for insight on the real estate scene. Being selected is often an article in itself. Jackson Hole Realtor Latham Jenkins was so honored as part of a feature article on how the affluent on both coasts are turning to resort destinations that offer unscripted adventure as retirement locations.
As Latham put it:
“Most are looking for the experiential opportunities of living among the wildlife, skiing powder before the 11:00am conference call or biking the 65 miles of paved pathways in the region.”
The article focuses on three popular areas: Riviera Nayarit, Mexico; the Cascade Mountains; and Jackson Hole. It also pointed out part of the local appeal is we have no income tax and limited private land to purchase. [Read the full article.]
For Latham, the opportunity to be part of the article was two-fold. First, he represents one of the lucky few who have lived here for more than 25 years. Secondly, as a local real estate agent, being a source for a Wall Street Journal article puts him on the map.,
“I’ve been getting calls from newspaper and travel magazine writers, as well for blogs and podcasts. Being quoted in a national newspaper temporarily gives you status as an expert and social influencer,” he said. “However if you don’t consistently offer relevant, engaging quotes, that go-to status quickly vanishes.”
Latham knows all about offering interesting insights. Besides being a local real estate broker, he also publishes the leading Visitors Guide for Jackson Hole, the Jackson Hole Traveler and Homestead Magazine, the valley’s preferred home design brand. He feels they collectively give him unique insider knowledge on all things Jackson Hole. It’s how he came to the attention of the Wall Street Journal in the first place.
Live Water Jackson Hole – Latham Jenkins, Realtor
There are many reasons to consider owning a home in Jackson Hole, from the stunning location, to the laid-back way of life, and perks of an income tax-free state. Real Estate Agent Latham Jenkins offers hyper-local expertise in all three areas: real estate services, lifestyle insights and valued relationships with top financial planners. In connecting people with experiences, he understands it goes beyond where you live – it’s how you live. Partner with Latham and find more than a home. Find a way of life. Learn more at LiveWaterJacksonHole.com

Locale curates an annual gift guide with Jackson Hole items. This year’s focus is on the “Local Maker’s.” They all draw inspiration from being in our great valley, where daily we are in awe of its natural beauty; this beauty is reflected in the patterns, designs and ingenuity of the items they create.
See the Gift Guide:

Circ was proud to be a sponsor of the 2016 Dancing with the Jackson Hole Stars, a fund raiser for the Children’s Learning Center. It’s was another banner year and we are proud to have done our part to contribute to this vital community childcare center.
Along the way we helped one of the dancing couples with producing this little video promo. It’s hard beat the value of a short-form video asset to help fundraise and sell the humor in having to dance in public.
Dancing Marvins from Latham Jenkins on Vimeo.
The fundraiser was a great success with over $256,000 dollars raised in a single event. Way to go Jackson Hole for digging deep and supporting these dancing couples, great event and community institution.

At Circ, we are strong supporters of TED’s mission to spread ideas. With Circ’s president Latham Jenkins serving on the Core Committee Production Team, Circ has supported TEDxJacksonHole with web design and development, program guide design, as well as social media marketing.
Beginning at 1p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 2 at the Jackson Lake Lodge in Grand Teton National Park, Jackson Hole will be hosting its first ever TEDxJacksonHole event. If you aren’t familiar with the TED conferences and talks devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading, you should know that the non-profit organization started in 1984 as a conference that brings together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, and Design. In the last 26 years TED has grown to include two annual conferences that bring together the world’s most fascinating thinkers and doers, who are challenged to give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes or less. The talks are then made available, free, at TED.com.
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. Jackson Hole’s event is focused thematically on the zone where nature and science converge with creativity and inspiration, through performance, exhibition, TEDxTalk presentations and personal experience.
Jackson Hole’s inaugural TEDx event will host an extraordinary lineup of speakers, including a host of internationally-acclaimed filmmakers and local naturalists. Local presenters include architect Nona Yehia, venture capitalist Robert E. Grady and whitepine bark beetle activist David Gonzales, who all weave the theme of nature into their Talks. Wildlife film experts from as far away as Tanzania will unveil stunning images, including footage of an uncontacted tribe in Brazil and 3D images from deep beneath the ocean.
We hope to see you at Jackson Lake Lodge next Sunday, and want to encourage you to join us in the spread of ideas. We hope our first ever TEDx event grows to become a bi-annual event in our community. Visit wwwtedxjacksonhole.org to read about our speakers, their talks, and the day’s events.

Circumerro is proud to be a 2011 Business Partnership sponsor of the Art Association of Jackson Hole. One of our company values is “giving back,” and we believe in the value the Art Association of Jackson Hole creates in our community.
Located in the Jackson Hole Center for the Arts building in downtown Jackson, WY, the Art Association of Jackson Hole receives over 10,000 annual visitors and has over 30,000 annual participants in its various programs. Since 1963, the Art Association’s mission has been to encourage a vital, creative community by providing art classes for all ages and skill levels, art exhibits, school and outreach programs, and special arts events for the larger Jackson Hole art community.
Cliff Hansen Memorial Slide Show – 10/27/09 from Alden Wood on Vimeo.
Circumerro Video was asked to produce a slide show for the Cliff Hansen memorial service here in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Cliff was a statesman and a true Wyoming cowboy. His legacy lives on with his children, grand children and great grandchildren. Cliff lived and ranched in Jackson Hole for most of his life, he was also Governor and Senator of Wyoming. We were honored to produce the slide show and work with his family.

The Huffington Post put out an article on the “Top 8 Bike Trips in the U.S.” a few weeks back. The tech-savy, online publisher has been known for making a splash as a liberal news website. In addition to the frequent stories, posts and features on subjects covering trending politics, media, business, entertainment and more, Huff Post, also known as “The Internet Newspaper,” has naturally been an early adopter of all things social media.
In light of their steady growth, staff editors and contributors produce a lion’s share of the original content on the site now, but they still rely on a host of bloggers and excerpts in a news aggregator model.

Aside from the enjoyment of the exercise itself, the view of the Grand Teton from the top was the best part of the tour up Mt. Taylor on Saturday. Not only has it been cold, but we have received very little snow this month and the skiing has been, well, variable. “Pray for snow” is becoming more like a desperate plea rather than the common ski-town catch phrase it’s know as. Better conditions for cruising the groomers with the kids than searching for untracked…’cause it’s hard to find these days.
Jackson Hole Mountain Resort recently unveiled a shiny new aerial tram. To kick off the weekend-long launch party, the festivities opened with a night of fireworks and the first public glimpse of the new big red box. Circumerro created a slide show for the evening of vintage photos set to rocking music. As the crowds cheered the new Tram, fireworks lit up the sky and the slide show looped on the JumboTron, spanning photos from the original tram up to the present.
Jackson Hole Mountain Resort Tram Launch Party from Noah Waterhouse on Vimeo.

As published in the Daily Southerner, August 12, 2008:
Tarboro Mayor and Council were given a preview Monday night of the new town website. Latham Jenkins, a Tarboro native whose Circumerro Media was hired in April to redesign the site did the honors.
He showed a more efficient site with some video, new photographs, expanded style content and search engine friendly architecture. “We’ve established a new marketing platform,” Jenkins said. Jenkins pointed out that the site could be updated by the town staff. Council and staff are to review the site this week, make recommendations and it should be ready to launch later this month.