Planet Jackson Hole Article Includes Circumerro Media

Planet Jackson Hole’s article, “Web design in a down economy,” investigates the climate of local web design work and includes Circumerro Media in their report. The piece, by Ben Cannon, aims to examine whether or not businesses will turn to web design and other online creative services to bolster their marketing efforts during tough and competitive economic times. Following in an excerpt of the article:
“While some who make or supplement their livelihoods building websites reported a noticeable downturn in activity commensurate to the recession, other evidence suggests businesses may now rely more on the web to have an edge over competing businesses.
“We’ve actually seen an upturn in creative work,” said Circumerro Media founder Latham Jenkins, who heads one of the valley’s top website design and branding firms. “There’s a lot of reinvestment online, moving into a more competitive market. If you have three high-end homebuilders, how do you stand out in a down economy?”
Cannon then goes on to later add: “The heads of both Circumerro and VR Interactive said adding social media, like blogs, can make websites more dynamic and appealing to new traffic.” Check out the full article here.