Get a Free Tank of Gas!

I’ve made a goal for myself to ride my bike to work twice a week for as much of the warmer months here in Jackson Hole as I can. This is not always an easy task, between weather, meetings, errands, carting kids around, etc. It’s also not as easy as riding from across town on a bike path—my ride from Wilson is a fifteen mile round-trip—but it sure feels good to get in the exercise and not have to sit in busy tourist traffic.
As you may know from previous posts, I’m a fan of Keith Peters’ Carbon Neutral Journal. Occasionally Keith writes some interesting things on his own findings about his driving and cycling experiences. (In fact, today’s post has to do with the greening of our US capital. I know, sounds far-fetched.)
So, in the spirit of carbon neutrality, I’ve realized some carbon and cost savings for my personal cycling goal—though exercise and sanity were at the root of my original goal.
I typically fill the tank in my van (admittedly not the most carbon-friendly vehicle, but hey, it gets 17+ miles per gallon and that’s better than a Hummer, right, Stine?) every two weeks. Figuring there are ten days of work commute in a typical two-week period and I ride my bike twice a week, in five weeks of two-day-a-week bike commutes I will have saved a whole tank of gas. That’s close to $70 per tank in today’s prices! Yeah, it’s a guzzler—all the more reason to feel good about riding the bike.
So, if you’ve been meaning to ride your bike to work more (or walk, or car-pool, or ride the bus—whatever), hopefully this provides a little incentive. And if not, well, at least keep an eye out for us cyclists on the road. Thanks!