As published in the Daily Southerner, August 12, 2008
The Tarboro Mayor and Council will get a preview of the town’s new website Monday night during its monthly meeting. Latham Jenkins, president of Circumerro Media of Jackson Hole, Wyo., was hired in April to redesign the website. His work will be reviewed by Council members and staff next week, recommended changes will be made and the site launched by the end of August, as planned.
“We are excited to present our work on Monday night to Town council and staff, ” Jenkins said. “The town’s residents have been so supportive through this process of building the site’s content and I am grateful. I believe the site represents the town for all the great qualities it offers and it will be a real marketing asset for the community. As a community marketer, I applaud the Council and staff for their forward thinking”.
Jenkins shot 10 hours of video that has been boiled down into four three-minute segments. Tarboro’s Dee Harper wrote the copy; Tarboro’s Bill Goode took some photos. “We think we have a good site that speaks to any newcomers considering moving to Tarboro,” Jenkins said. “We want to reach out to them.”