It’s not every day a Pulitzer-Prize winning, national newspaper like the Wall Street Journal turns to an established local agent for insight on the real estate scene. Being selected is often an article in itself. Jackson Hole Realtor Latham Jenkins was so honored as part of a feature article on how the affluent on both coasts are turning to resort destinations that offer unscripted adventure as retirement locations.
As Latham put it:
“Most are looking for the experiential opportunities of living among the wildlife, skiing powder before the 11:00am conference call or biking the 65 miles of paved pathways in the region.”
The article focuses on three popular areas: Riviera Nayarit, Mexico; the Cascade Mountains; and Jackson Hole. It also pointed out part of the local appeal is we have no income tax and limited private land to purchase. [Read the full article.]
For Latham, the opportunity to be part of the article was two-fold. First, he represents one of the lucky few who have lived here for more than 25 years. Secondly, as a local real estate agent, being a source for a Wall Street Journal article puts him on the map.,
“I’ve been getting calls from newspaper and travel magazine writers, as well for blogs and podcasts. Being quoted in a national newspaper temporarily gives you status as an expert and social influencer,” he said. “However if you don’t consistently offer relevant, engaging quotes, that go-to status quickly vanishes.”
Latham knows all about offering interesting insights. Besides being a local real estate broker, he also publishes the leading Visitors Guide for Jackson Hole, the Jackson Hole Traveler and Homestead Magazine, the valley’s preferred home design brand. He feels they collectively give him unique insider knowledge on all things Jackson Hole. It’s how he came to the attention of the Wall Street Journal in the first place.
Live Water Jackson Hole – Latham Jenkins, Realtor
There are many reasons to consider owning a home in Jackson Hole, from the stunning location, to the laid-back way of life, and perks of an income tax-free state. Real Estate Agent Latham Jenkins offers hyper-local expertise in all three areas: real estate services, lifestyle insights and valued relationships with top financial planners. In connecting people with experiences, he understands it goes beyond where you live – it’s how you live. Partner with Latham and find more than a home. Find a way of life. Learn more at LiveWaterJacksonHole.com