Delinquent Elves Cause Ruckus in Jackson Hole

Quoting from Animal House’s Dean Wormer, “Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son!,” is the thought that comes to mind with our delinquent Elf situation in Jackson Hole. As a local employer, it is a social and economic burden to our community and it is impacting our businesses.
I am trying to take the high road (and save money while doing so) by starting the campaign,, to petition Santa to come get his elves and take them back to the North Pole and set them on a Righteous Path of excellent work ethic and conservative nog-drinking habits.
Please join me and our community in helping these wayward elves get back to the North Pole. Go to and sign our petition today.
Latham Jenkins
President and Founder of Save the Elves
P.S. For every signature received, I’ll donate monetary funds to a needy family in order to make their Christmas truly special this year.