Circumerro Signs UNI/CARE

Circumerro Media has signed on UNI/CARE Systems, Inc. as a client. Based in Sarasota, Florida, UNI/CARE provides electronic health records and technology solutions to the Health and Human Services industry. Circumerro is charged with concepting and implementing a new brand and marketing campaign for the 30-year-old company.
“UNI/CARE’s selection of Circumerro is very exciting. We think a lot of their team and their product, and appreciate the opportunity to contribute to their brand strategy,” said Latham Jenkins, president of Circumerro.
About UNI/CARE Systems, Inc.
UNI/CARE Systems, Inc., provides electronic health records to the human services and behavioral health industry under the Pro-FilerTM brand name. UNI/CARE’s Pro-Filer EHR is a certified solution engaging consumers, providers and organizations in a CONNECTED health environment.