Circ in the Jackson Hole News & Guide

Looks like we’re not the only ones who think our new identity is newsworthy: the Jackson Hole News and Guide covered our name and strategy change in their Business Focus section, highlighting Circ as one of Jackson’s growing and evolving businesses. In case you didn’t catch us in the paper, check out the coverage below:
After 17 years in business, Circumerro Media has shortened its name to Circ.
“We’re rolling out an updated identity this month that reflects our successful evolution as a company and the work we are doing today,” Latham Jenkins, founder and president, said. “Circumerro is a Latin word that means to travel, which historically has been our focus.”
Circ’s local publications, Jackson Hole Traveler and Homestead, have been great successes for the agency. Advertisers in these publications have sustained the company during the last 17 years, helping to grow Circ’s creative services. The design agency now serves client brands across the country through its core services: branding, e-commerce design, and mobile and web application development.
Circ’s clients span various industries, such as health care, online media, technology, apparel and artificial surfacing. Its client roster has included companies like Cigna, Remedy Health Media, Dell, XGrass and Cloudveil.
“Over the years, nearly everyone who has touched the agency has come to call it “Circ,” and it seemed only natural to embrace the shortened name,” Jenkins said. “The change of the name and identity reflects the evolution of the company’s brand and the work that defines the company now.”
Today, Circ is a multidisciplinary communication design agency. Recently, much of Circ’s work has been a response to the disruption that new technologies create for businesses and the need to build brand experiences that address it. Whether it’s designing e-commerce websites and mobile platforms or building more unified digital strategies, Circ thrives on creating value within digital channels that deliver engaging brand experiences and build brand loyalty.
Circ understands that word-of-mouth is one of the most effective means by which experiences are shared, and to leverage that kind sharing, businesses need to engage their audiences and create conversations around their brand. Circ represents the circular nature of these conversations and is expressed in its new tag-line: “Great brands live in conversation.”
—Katy Niner