We’ve finally seen the fruits of about eight months of our labor over here at Circumerro Publishing. Our three main publications have been out for about three weeks now and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive.
Under the guidance of our fearless leader, a new publishing team was assembled in the past year to freshen things up in Publishing. With that direction, our talented designers have completely redesigned Homestead and our flagship publication, Rendezvous.
In addition, a new piece was created to help augment Rendezvous: the Rendezvous Pocket Guide. This companion to our traveler’s guide to Jackson Hole provides the Jackson Hole visitor with business listings and a helpful map of the area (proudly sponsored by START Bus and including their stops—something we hope will encourage folks to utilize public transit). It can be found on brochure racks and at concierge desks throughout “the Hole” and, best of all, it’s pocket-sized.
We’re particularly pleased with the new Homestead magazine. It has been increased in size to a 10 x 12 inch publication with more beautiful home pictures and editorial content. We’ve also increased the circulation and made it available for sale on newsstands throughout the region. We hope you take the time to pick up a copy, which you can do at newsstands or by contacting us Circumerro.
You can learn more about several of Circumerro’s products in the special Business Focus section in today’s Jackson Hole News&Guide. Let us know what you think; we hope you like what you see.
Circumerro Publishing’s Homestead magazine was featured in the June 20 issue of the Jackson Hole News&Guide Business Focus special section.
Want a private tour of some of the most beautiful homes in the region? Homestead, one of Circumerro Publishing’s signature publications, gives you a peek at some of the most innovative and beautifully created homes in the Jackson Hole area.
In its sixth year, Homestead has been completely re-designed and circulation expanded. The magazine’s large-format (10″ x 12″) and contemporary design bring featured homes, art and craftsmanship to light for readers. The new look better reflects the changes in architecture and design seen in the Jackson Hole area today.
Chris Hansen, publishing director for Circumerro, said that the complete redesign and shift in the magazine’s focus resulted in positive growth for the company. The overall focus highlights how western and contemporary styles are uniting in new ways through architecture and design in the Rocky Mountain West. “These changes to the magazine allowed us to broaden the editorial and geographic scope beyond what has traditionally been considered western design in Jackson Hole,” he said. “We strive to showcase homes that are unique and that represent a collaboration among the best architects, builders, interior designers, artisans and anyone else who has been involved in creating a truly unique home.”
Builders, architects and interior designers are invited to showcase their homes through multi-page photo spreads and editorial that tells the story of that collaboration. In addition to showcase homes, Homestead includes stories on landscaping, green building, interior design, art, artists, art collectors and galleries.
Homestead’s reach in the market has greatly expanded. Circulation has been increased from 10,000 to 30,000 and new avenues for distribution have been introduced. It is available at newsstands, bookstores and other local retailers; is mailed to affluent homeowners throughout the area; can be found in real estate offices; and is offered as a gift at high-end local events, such as the Grand Teton Music Festival’s upcoming wine auction.
An expanding subscription base is also increasing readership of Homestead. “Growing the editorial content is a goal for the coming year,” said Hansen of plans for further expansion. “We want to include more content that is of interest to readers who look to Homestead as a way to connect with professionals who provide the services high-end homeowners are looking for.”
Reinforcing one of the strongest elements in the magazine, Hansen commented on the design. “A talented in-house team here at Circumerro designs the magazine and maintains consistent creative control over the publication from start to finish,” he said, adding, “The design is clean and it’s easy and enjoyable to read. The quality is top notch.”
For more information on featuring your project, advertising or purchasing an issue of Homestead, please contact Circ at 307-733-8319.
—Allison Arthur
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