We’ve started up a new tradition here at the Circumerro office by kicking off Friday mornings with staff breakfast. This past Friday Arik treated us all with his famous Butler Creek Waffles. Being up at 4:30 whipping together the mix didn’t even slow him down later that day.
Check out the recipe and bring a little spice to your own morning.
Waffle Batter
6 eggs
1 tbl vanilla
1 qt milk
Separate the yolks from the whites. Mix the yolks, vanilla and milk. Beat the whites until they are firm.
3 cups flour
2 tbl baking powder
pinch salt
Mix these into the egg/milk/vanilla mixture
1 cup melted butter
Mix the melted butter into the batter
Fold the batter into the beaten egg whites – some egg white lumps are ok.
Use the waffle iron of your choice. The batter makes ok pancake batter too!
Special Sauce
1 cup white sugar
2 cups dark brown sugar
2 cups water
Boil it for a while until it looks like the consistency you like for syrup. Remove from heat and mix in:
1 tbl imitation maple flavoring
1 tbl vanilla extract
Apply generously to waffles. If there is not a lake on the plate, you’re not using enough.

The traveling Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (RRR) banner has made a stop at the Circumerro office this week. The banner is displayed at Jackson-area businesses that demonstrate leadership in the RRR campaign and have been selected as RRR business leaders in the community.
Muriel Blaha of Teton County’s Solid Waste and Recycling Division explained the summer months in Jackson are the organization’s prime time to pass the banner around to RRR business leaders and generate awareness for the program.
The landscape of news consumption continues to shift with more breaking headlines today. Announcing that Tuesday, March 17 will be the final print edition of its paper, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer will look to share news entirely through the Internet.

We are proud to announce Matt Deehan has recently joined the Circumerro crew. When he is not telling astronaut jokes around the office, Matt will be spending time on the sales and business development side of 22Local, Jackson Hole Traveler, Rendezvous, Pocket Guide to Jackson Hole and Homestead.
Having lived in Jackson Hole since ’97, Matt has developed a long history of relationships through his time spent in sales at Jackson Hole Radio. A frequent traveler and avid outdoorsman, Matt is excited to bring his passion for people and places to our authentic travel publications. Welcome, Matt.

Circumerro Media was present at the 2009 Outdoor Retailer winter show. Noah Waterhouse and Latham Jenkins made the rounds with their clients Eagle Creek and Cloudveil at the show.
Outdoor Retailer is “the tradeshow venue of choice for the outdoor specialty industry. Brands big and small have a focused and targeted forum to contribute and conduct the business of the outdoors, with key market exposure in the most comprehensive showcase of outdoor companies. As Outdoor Retailer continues to attract national and international dealers in every category—specialty, specialty chain, general sporting goods, military, resort, mail order, big box and mass merchant retailers, our commitment is to deliver the best outdoor trade environment for your business to flourish and grow.” Or so their website says.

Aside from the enjoyment of the exercise itself, the view of the Grand Teton from the top was the best part of the tour up Mt. Taylor on Saturday. Not only has it been cold, but we have received very little snow this month and the skiing has been, well, variable. “Pray for snow” is becoming more like a desperate plea rather than the common ski-town catch phrase it’s know as. Better conditions for cruising the groomers with the kids than searching for untracked…’cause it’s hard to find these days.
The latest Bank of Jackson Hole ad, in a series covering local businesses, features Latham Jenkins. The innovative campaign has relied on local faces, entrepreneurs and businesses to tell the story of Bank of Jackson Hole’s unique position in a world of mega-banks. Latham was a natural fit for the campaign with his own success story founding our very own Circumerro Media. The ad runs in the Jackson Hole News & Guide and the Jackson Hole Daily.
The ad copy:
Latham Jenkins moved to Jackson in 1990 with a Subaru and a camera that never rested. After a few years as a river guide and ski instructor, he recognized his passion for storytelling and set out to launch a media business. He turned to us first. We listened to his story and put together financing to get his business off the ground. Being 100% independent is handy that way. Today Circumerro Media turns heads with award-winning publications and creative services. And Bank of Jackson Hole is helping businesses daily with our own locally headquartered, owned, managed and 100% independent services. Launching a creative media firm might not be in your future, but whatever your story is, we answer to one person: You.

The Elves have moved on from Jackson Hole but in their wake they left the makings of the next generation of alternative fuel. The Circumerro crew is busy following up on the idea and capturing it on video to share in the holiday cheer and help move America off foriegn oil. We will be announcing our discovery next week and you can see it at reNOGable.org.

As published in the Daily Southerner, August 12, 2008:
Tarboro Mayor and Council were given a preview Monday night of the new town website. Latham Jenkins, a Tarboro native whose Circumerro Media was hired in April to redesign the site did the honors.
He showed a more efficient site with some video, new photographs, expanded style content and search engine friendly architecture. “We’ve established a new marketing platform,” Jenkins said. Jenkins pointed out that the site could be updated by the town staff. Council and staff are to review the site this week, make recommendations and it should be ready to launch later this month.

As published in the Daily Southerner, August 12, 2008
The Tarboro Mayor and Council will get a preview of the town’s new website Monday night during its monthly meeting. Latham Jenkins, president of Circumerro Media of Jackson Hole, Wyo., was hired in April to redesign the website. His work will be reviewed by Council members and staff next week, recommended changes will be made and the site launched by the end of August, as planned.
“We are excited to present our work on Monday night to Town council and staff, ” Jenkins said. “The town’s residents have been so supportive through this process of building the site’s content and I am grateful. I believe the site represents the town for all the great qualities it offers and it will be a real marketing asset for the community. As a community marketer, I applaud the Council and staff for their forward thinking”.
Jenkins shot 10 hours of video that has been boiled down into four three-minute segments. Tarboro’s Dee Harper wrote the copy; Tarboro’s Bill Goode took some photos. “We think we have a good site that speaks to any newcomers considering moving to Tarboro,” Jenkins said. “We want to reach out to them.”