Locale curates an annual gift guide with Jackson Hole items. This year’s focus is on the “Local Maker’s.” They all draw inspiration from being in our great valley, where daily we are in awe of its natural beauty; this beauty is reflected in the patterns, designs and ingenuity of the items they create.
See the Gift Guide:

Circ was proud to be a sponsor of the 2016 Dancing with the Jackson Hole Stars, a fund raiser for the Children’s Learning Center. It’s was another banner year and we are proud to have done our part to contribute to this vital community childcare center.
Along the way we helped one of the dancing couples with producing this little video promo. It’s hard beat the value of a short-form video asset to help fundraise and sell the humor in having to dance in public.
Dancing Marvins from Latham Jenkins on Vimeo.
The fundraiser was a great success with over $256,000 dollars raised in a single event. Way to go Jackson Hole for digging deep and supporting these dancing couples, great event and community institution.

Looks like we’re not the only ones who think our new identity is newsworthy: the Jackson Hole News and Guide covered our name and strategy change in their Business Focus section, highlighting Circ as one of Jackson’s growing and evolving businesses. In case you didn’t catch us in the paper, check out the coverage below:
After 17 years in business, Circumerro Media has shortened its name to Circ.
“We’re rolling out an updated identity this month that reflects our successful evolution as a company and the work we are doing today,” Latham Jenkins, founder and president, said. “Circumerro is a Latin word that means to travel, which historically has been our focus.”
Circ’s local publications, Jackson Hole Traveler and Homestead, have been great successes for the agency. Advertisers in these publications have sustained the company during the last 17 years, helping to grow Circ’s creative services. The design agency now serves client brands across the country through its core services: branding, e-commerce design, and mobile and web application development.
Circ’s clients span various industries, such as health care, online media, technology, apparel and artificial surfacing. Its client roster has included companies like Cigna, Remedy Health Media, Dell, XGrass and Cloudveil.
“Over the years, nearly everyone who has touched the agency has come to call it “Circ,” and it seemed only natural to embrace the shortened name,” Jenkins said. “The change of the name and identity reflects the evolution of the company’s brand and the work that defines the company now.”
Today, Circ is a multidisciplinary communication design agency. Recently, much of Circ’s work has been a response to the disruption that new technologies create for businesses and the need to build brand experiences that address it. Whether it’s designing e-commerce websites and mobile platforms or building more unified digital strategies, Circ thrives on creating value within digital channels that deliver engaging brand experiences and build brand loyalty.
Circ understands that word-of-mouth is one of the most effective means by which experiences are shared, and to leverage that kind sharing, businesses need to engage their audiences and create conversations around their brand. Circ represents the circular nature of these conversations and is expressed in its new tag-line: “Great brands live in conversation.”
—Katy Niner

Not long ago, Dust Cutter consulted Circ about extending their startup beverage brand into sales collateral and social media. Dust Cutter is a family recipe of Lemonade and Lemon Tea from the Warm Springs Ranch in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. As you could only expect, the brand has a true-to-life cowboy backstory that’s as iconic as it is authentic.
As the story goes, in the Old West, after a long day on the dusty trail, fresh squeezed lemonade was just the thing to cut your thirst. If you’re not already picturing Clint Eastwood or Sam Elliot, I’d love to hear what did come to mind. For us, the ubiquitous yet mysterious persona of the cowboy lends itself perfectly for a close up photo of a thick dusty moustache.
Looking around, one can find all kinds of moustache propaganda for creative inspiration.
Surely, you can recall one of the most memorable and longest running campaigns featuring the moustache, the celebrity “Milk Mustache” concept by MilkPEP. Adopting Goodby, Silverstein & Partners 1993 “Got Milk?” slogan, MilkPEP began their celebrity campaign in 1995 with Naomi Campbell. Fast forward to 2012—hundreds of celebrity milk moustaches later—and we see our summer Olympians sporting the same distinctive white lip we’ve all come to associate with “Got Milk?”
If for some reason, over the last decade, you haven’t heard of “Movember,” now is as good a time as any to become one of over a million Moustache growers in support of changing the face of men’s health each year (ladies too!). According to the official rules, Mo Bros begin the month of November clean shaven—then groom and shape their show of support throughout the month. Together with the Prostate Cancer Foundation and Livestrong, Movember has raised over $175M to date.
Also, we can’t fail to acknowledge our friends at Wieden+Kennedy for bringing us actor Isaiah Mustafa, in a hilarious series of spots for Old Spice. Clearly, a thick moustache… on a well groomed man… on a boat… is a recipe for brilliance.
From milk to Movember, from deodorant to beer, moustaches are everywhere.
We introduced the Dust Cutter cowboy on Facebook in April, 2012, proud to contribute the old west cookie duster story to the annals of moustache-driven advertising. As we continue to help grow the brand, we’ll keep our eyes out for new takes on this irresistible feature of male grooming in the public sphere. Like this new spot we saw just last week during the NBA playoffs (also from Wieden+Kennedy… is there a trend here?) for Heineken Light, representing the handlebar:
With so many moustache ads currently in play, we couldn’t possibly mention them all here. So, feel free to comment and contribute your favorites in this space.

Beyond color schemes and logos, within every great brand is a great story, a compelling truth that infuses the brand with character and authenticity. At Circ, we practice this aspect of brand culture through one of our core values: live and love your craft. Whether it’s our weekly company mountain bike ride or our Friday morning breakfast, by working together and enjoying the outdoors together, we live our brand every day. Our brand is our people, it is our passion, and it is our reason for being.
Because we understand what makes a strong brand, we are able to bring this approach to our client work. We ask, What’s their reason for being? We dig deeper, discover the compelling brand story, and then we start desiging logos, creating color schemes, and developing brand experiences.
So while our weekly mountain bike ride may seem like a chance to escape and enjoy the beautiful Jackson landscape (and believe us, it’s that too), we’re also embodying our brand by living and loving our craft. It is our people living their passions, and that’s our reason for being.

At Circ, we are strong supporters of TED’s mission to spread ideas. With Circ’s president Latham Jenkins serving on the Core Committee Production Team, Circ has supported TEDxJacksonHole with web design and development, program guide design, as well as social media marketing.
Beginning at 1p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 2 at the Jackson Lake Lodge in Grand Teton National Park, Jackson Hole will be hosting its first ever TEDxJacksonHole event. If you aren’t familiar with the TED conferences and talks devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading, you should know that the non-profit organization started in 1984 as a conference that brings together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, and Design. In the last 26 years TED has grown to include two annual conferences that bring together the world’s most fascinating thinkers and doers, who are challenged to give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes or less. The talks are then made available, free, at TED.com.
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. Jackson Hole’s event is focused thematically on the zone where nature and science converge with creativity and inspiration, through performance, exhibition, TEDxTalk presentations and personal experience.
Jackson Hole’s inaugural TEDx event will host an extraordinary lineup of speakers, including a host of internationally-acclaimed filmmakers and local naturalists. Local presenters include architect Nona Yehia, venture capitalist Robert E. Grady and whitepine bark beetle activist David Gonzales, who all weave the theme of nature into their Talks. Wildlife film experts from as far away as Tanzania will unveil stunning images, including footage of an uncontacted tribe in Brazil and 3D images from deep beneath the ocean.
We hope to see you at Jackson Lake Lodge next Sunday, and want to encourage you to join us in the spread of ideas. We hope our first ever TEDx event grows to become a bi-annual event in our community. Visit wwwtedxjacksonhole.org to read about our speakers, their talks, and the day’s events.

Recently we were shooting and helping to cross-market our two clients Field & Stream Brand Clothing and EpicQuest in Alaska. The end of March and first of April you tend to find the who’s who in skiing congregating on Alaska’s coastal maritime snowpack. Athletes, filmmakers, photographers, guides and helicopters all come together to produce much of what we media junkies consume.
Chris Owens, vice president of operations for EpicQuest, hosted us for a small dinner with Chris Davenport and Stian Hagen who where in Girdwood shooting with Warren Miller for next season’s film. You might have caught the April article in Outside Mag on skiing first descents in Antarctica. Pretty cool meeting these guys and sharing some PBR together.
I would say if you love skiing a trip to Alaska and with EpicQuest/Chugatch Powder Guides should be on your bucket list and you never know who you just might meet in the bar.

Circumerro is proud to be a first mover in the promotion of “Badger Bacon.” It was discovered by one of our Norwegian associates, who, having a history of being resourceful, brought it to our attention. During our weekly “Breakfast Fridays” ritual, we cooked some up in the oven.
The Badger, having characteristics of being short-legged, heavy-set omnivores, are under-appreciated as a source of top quality bacon. It’s leaner and healthier then pork bacon—being lower to the ground does not stretch out the belly so much and keeps the meat in better shape. Turkey bacon does not stand up to Badger Bacon.
In Wyoming, where Badgers are so fierce they are known to fight off bears, harvesting them is tricky. But we have a very adept Norwegian on our side, developing some great techniques. Circumerro, being known as a trend setter, could be solely responsible for the introduction of Badger Bacon, so keep your eye out for it the in the bacon section.
Why is it we live in a world with hungry people when so many of us have food in abundance? This time of year you cannot help but to notice articles like, More Households Request Food Aid, Sharing the Privilege of Abundance or the World The World Food Programme’s campaign—A Billion for a Billion—addressing the fact that for the first time in human history, the number of people hungry worldwide will exceed one billion.
That is one billion people who are hungry and why? Of the one billion, the US alone has 17 million households reporting some degree of food insecurity in 2008, according to the USDA’s annual poll. How could the wealthiest country in the world have hungry people? Not only that, but I live in one of the wealthiest counties in the US (Teton County, Wyo.), who has its own hungry residents.
I don’t think anyone can say they wish for people to be hungry, let alone that hunger to cause developmental issues in children. Although I don’t know what the solution needs to be, this giving season, “Do Something” and join the A Billion for a Billion cause and help make a difference.
Cliff Hansen Memorial Slide Show – 10/27/09 from Alden Wood on Vimeo.
Circumerro Video was asked to produce a slide show for the Cliff Hansen memorial service here in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Cliff was a statesman and a true Wyoming cowboy. His legacy lives on with his children, grand children and great grandchildren. Cliff lived and ranched in Jackson Hole for most of his life, he was also Governor and Senator of Wyoming. We were honored to produce the slide show and work with his family.