Badger Bacon?

Circumerro is proud to be a first mover in the promotion of “Badger Bacon.” It was discovered by one of our Norwegian associates, who, having a history of being resourceful, brought it to our attention. During our weekly “Breakfast Fridays” ritual, we cooked some up in the oven.
The Badger, having characteristics of being short-legged, heavy-set omnivores, are under-appreciated as a source of top quality bacon. It’s leaner and healthier then pork bacon—being lower to the ground does not stretch out the belly so much and keeps the meat in better shape. Turkey bacon does not stand up to Badger Bacon.
In Wyoming, where Badgers are so fierce they are known to fight off bears, harvesting them is tricky. But we have a very adept Norwegian on our side, developing some great techniques. Circumerro, being known as a trend setter, could be solely responsible for the introduction of Badger Bacon, so keep your eye out for it the in the bacon section.