Back on My Feet: Save the Elves Video a Success

Great news: my breaking news story on the Jackson Hole elf problem was an immense success!
Viewed over 6,300 times in 53 countries and in all 50 states (including the District of Columbia, they say, but I don’t know why Canada should count), over 850 kindhearted people worldwide signed Latham Jenkins Save-The-Elves-And-Cut-The-Costs-And-Do-Good-All-At-Once Christmas petition, helping to donate over $1,000 to needy families in Jackson Hole and clean up the streets of its former wayward elves. The hard work, simple determination and the inability to show fear in front of one’s adversaries helped me and my dedicated two-man crew make “The Godfather” of all Rocky Mountain West Freelance Video Newscasts. And do some good, too.
Great things have also happened for me personally. EFIN finally agreed to meet with me to discuss possibly being rehired. They say budget constraints are tight this year, but they were able to offer me the next best thing: an unpaid internship! I’ll be helping Darrel with the lights and Laquesha with her errands. A radio station at Central South Dakota Community College has even approached me in hopes of airing a weekly show on smooth jazz and soft beats. 2008 is certainly a year of positive change!
To all of my friends that I made and that I have yet to make in Jackson Hole, I thank you for your kind hospitality. Perhaps in 2008 you will encounter another problem. Perhaps in 2008 you will have a need for LJ Logger-Foot.
Jackson Hole, know that I’ll be there (should my now-busy schedule permit).
—LJ Logger-Foot