4UR Ranch Success with Circumerro Video – Client Testimonial

Hi Alden,
I just wanted to let you know that the videos you created for us have been a more successful addition to our web marketing than we could have imagined. In addition, I thought I would share a couple of stories with you.
Last year at one of our cookouts we were talking with a guest who has been returning consistently for the last few years. He was so excited to be at the ranch again and he told us that in the two weeks prior to his arrival, he visited our web site daily to play the videos so he could see and hear the ranch.
The following month we had a single mom from New York bring her teenage son to the 4UR for a special vacation. She shared with us that this type of travel was a bit frightening and not a normal occurrence for her. However, after viewing our videos she wasn’t afraid to come all this way as she felt she already knew the people she would be visiting.
We could never have predicted this type of positive interaction and it’s impact on our guest’s experience. Many thanks again to you and Circumerro, and good luck to you in “rounding up” more guest ranches for your business.
Lindsey Leavell
4UR Ranch