As any marketer will tell you, introducing a new brand to the marketplace is a big task—one filled with many exciting possibilities, but requirements and unknowns as well. What’s the brand story? What’s the platform where we’re going to tell it? And most importantly, how are we going to get people engaging with, talking about, and buying the product?
This was exactly the case as Circ partnered with the TriLipid Research Institute LLC to facilitate a website market test for their skincare brand Trilipiderm®. After helping launch the product, it became clear that we needed to evolve the brand story on the website. But we needed to do it within the confines of their existing ecommerce platform, Shopify, and enable access and engagement from the homepage.
The new homepage has interactive features like sliding panes, scrolling images, imbedded videos, and buttons for expanded reading. For the brand, presenting its evolved story to the world and engaging customers is an important step in its growth. Plus, incorporating keywords and authoritative content boosts the brand’s search rankings, bringing potential new customers to the site.
For Circ, the new homepage is a creative solution that meets the client’s needs within specific guidelines on the Shopify platform. It’s a fresh aesthetic with optimized content in a sticky, interactive feature, and it’s all in one place.