Circumerro Video completed a short video of Old Bill’s Fun Run for the Community Foundation. The video showcases the day, the events and the co-challengers and sponsors. It was shown at the awards ceremony and will be on their website.
We received this letter from the Community Foundation:
Latham, Alden and JK,
We are so excited to show our newest Old Bill’s marketing piece to the public! The video turned out so well, and Katharine and I enjoyed working with all of you.
We are so pleased—thanks again!

We’ve started up a new tradition here at the Circumerro office by kicking off Friday mornings with staff breakfast. This past Friday Arik treated us all with his famous Butler Creek Waffles. Being up at 4:30 whipping together the mix didn’t even slow him down later that day.
Check out the recipe and bring a little spice to your own morning.
Waffle Batter
6 eggs
1 tbl vanilla
1 qt milk
Separate the yolks from the whites. Mix the yolks, vanilla and milk. Beat the whites until they are firm.
3 cups flour
2 tbl baking powder
pinch salt
Mix these into the egg/milk/vanilla mixture
1 cup melted butter
Mix the melted butter into the batter
Fold the batter into the beaten egg whites – some egg white lumps are ok.
Use the waffle iron of your choice. The batter makes ok pancake batter too!
Special Sauce
1 cup white sugar
2 cups dark brown sugar
2 cups water
Boil it for a while until it looks like the consistency you like for syrup. Remove from heat and mix in:
1 tbl imitation maple flavoring
1 tbl vanilla extract
Apply generously to waffles. If there is not a lake on the plate, you’re not using enough.