Friday, August 15, 2008
By Mike Hixenbaugh
Rocky Mount Telegram
TARBORO – One of Eastern North Carolina’s more historic towns is attempting to market itself in a 21st century economy.
Town leaders witnessed a demonstration Monday of Tarboro’s new website, which will feature streaming promotional videos and new online town services.
The site was designed by Circumerro Creative Media Agency of Jackson Hole, Wyo., for $44,000 and will be launched later this month.
“This website contains very deep, rich information that will be attractive to visitors,” said Circumerro Creative Media Agency owner Latham Jenkins, who is also Councilman John Jenkins’ son.
Councilman Melvin Muhammad previously had challenged the potential conflict of interest in awarding a design contract to a councilman’s son, but the board approved the contract, regardless. Two other companies submitted proposals during the bidding process.
Latham Jenkins, who grew up in Tarboro, said the new website offers a well-crafted message that provides visitors with information through words as well as strong visuals.
Four promotional videos were filmed for the website, highlighting Tarboro’s history, business atmosphere, tourist attractions and comfortable lifestyle.
The website was constructed for maximum search connectivity, Jenkins said Monday. If someone does a search on canoeing in North Carolina, for example, Tarboro’s new site should pop up.
In addition, each of the promotional videos have been posted on, a popular video networking site. After being posted for less than two days, more than 110 users already had viewed the promotional videos.
“If we were to compare this website to that of similar towns that Tarboro would be competing with,” Jenkins said, “I would say that those towns are being substantially out-marketed right now.”
The new website also will allow residents to pay utility bills online and post information on an interactive forum.
When the site is officially posted, it will replace the town’s current website at

As published in the Daily Southerner, August 12, 2008:
Tarboro Mayor and Council were given a preview Monday night of the new town website. Latham Jenkins, a Tarboro native whose Circumerro Media was hired in April to redesign the site did the honors.
He showed a more efficient site with some video, new photographs, expanded style content and search engine friendly architecture. “We’ve established a new marketing platform,” Jenkins said. Jenkins pointed out that the site could be updated by the town staff. Council and staff are to review the site this week, make recommendations and it should be ready to launch later this month.

As published in the Daily Southerner, August 12, 2008
The Tarboro Mayor and Council will get a preview of the town’s new website Monday night during its monthly meeting. Latham Jenkins, president of Circumerro Media of Jackson Hole, Wyo., was hired in April to redesign the website. His work will be reviewed by Council members and staff next week, recommended changes will be made and the site launched by the end of August, as planned.
“We are excited to present our work on Monday night to Town council and staff, ” Jenkins said. “The town’s residents have been so supportive through this process of building the site’s content and I am grateful. I believe the site represents the town for all the great qualities it offers and it will be a real marketing asset for the community. As a community marketer, I applaud the Council and staff for their forward thinking”.
Jenkins shot 10 hours of video that has been boiled down into four three-minute segments. Tarboro’s Dee Harper wrote the copy; Tarboro’s Bill Goode took some photos. “We think we have a good site that speaks to any newcomers considering moving to Tarboro,” Jenkins said. “We want to reach out to them.”
We are launching for our client, the Town of Tarboro, NC, a new web site this month featuring four new videos. Overview of Tarboro, Living in Tarboro, History of Tarboro and Doing Business in Tarboro. The videos are meant to take the more traditional static approach to Web publishing into one that is authentic, with Tarboro locals telling their story about their town.