The crew has been hard at work on an new positioning for the Bank of Jackson Hole. Over the coming months we will be launching a series of ads messaging local ownership, local decision making, reinvestment in the community, and a focus on personal relationships. The tagline “We answer to no one but you” was chosen after a concepting phase in which we pursued several tagline and ad campaign combinations. The client and team on the job, including designers, writers and photographers, has a great direction to work with, and is committed to telling the real Bank of Jackson Hole story for quite some time!
Here’s the first ad (featuring Bank client and local developer Dave NeVille) along with a behind the scenes look at the photoshoot with Flo McCall.

The 2008-09 Jackson Hole Rendezvous is now fully distributed around Jackson Hole lodging establishments. In its twelfth year as a Circumerro Media publication, Rendezvous has been a core visitor service in-room guide to Jackson Hole. It provides area visitors with insightful information on how to make the most of their Jackson hole vacation.
About the Traveler’s in-room guest directory to Jackson Hole
Rendezvous is a traveler’s in-room guest directory to Jackson Hole, reaching over 800,000 visitors in over 66 hotels and 4,000 rooms in the greater Jackson Hole area annually. This premier hardbound keepsake impressions guests as they make decisions about where to dine, shop and recreate in Jackson Hole.