We’re a few months in and we’ve learned a lot. Launching a hyperlocal community site dedicated to news, entertainment and events is a big endeavor. The moving parts and pieces are numerous, but the project is relatively simple in its stripped down form. We provide the forum, bring people together and it grows organically from there.
For version 3.0, we sought to uncover content on the site that was formerly buried under unnecessarry navigation and combine some of the best features from each landing page into the homepage. Readers can now browse news, follow their favorite columnists on Page 22 and scan the weather and events all from the homepage. Individual landing pages also received major overhauls with new post formats and more interactive excerpts and summaries.
The calendar and classifieds sections also were re-worked to incorporate more user-friendly formats and exciting features. Got an event to promote? Anyone can log it on the 22Local calendar and users are able to keep tabs on events and even send themselves text reminder alerts.
In addition to all the technical redesigns, we’re also bringing in a slew of new content. More columnists, more correspondents and more feature stories are keeping the site fresh and informative. Our goal for the project is to create a community-driven site that is truly useful to the residents of our town and visitors looking in, and we’re not shy about asking for feedback. After all, this is “your connection to Jackson Hole,” not ours. Check it out and send us your comments on the new design.