It’s the title of our blog, but sometimes even we have a hard time expressing just what it means to “live an engaged life.” Well, as you can start to get a picture of from the entries here, an engaged life can be many things. We tend to focus on the outdoors because that’s where we crave to be when we’re not at work. Yes, we do a lot of skiing here in the winter, but its mostly a matter of living life to the fullest. It may be broom-ball one evening or ping-pong another (while we embrace the outdoors, there are just some times during a long winter when indoors is the only ‘doors you can handle). And sometimes we cram and tuck in every bit of activity we can around the work-day: “dawn-patrol” on Teton Pass for first tracks in a foot of new this morning and tubing with the kids on the King after work—now that’s a good day!
The engaged life also includes our community; particularly, our families and friends. We’re all very lucky to live in such a great place and be engaged by our surroundings, but to share the experience with our loved ones and to see our kids grow up immersed in it is quite rewarding. The sense of community is strong here and we feel it when we talk to our neighbors, go out for dinner, meet during Rotary, or read the paper. Sure, as some claim, we all—especially our kids—miss out on some of the culture and diversity found in a metropolitan setting, but I’ve lived both and in this day and age I wouldn’t trade for my kids the experience of growing up close to the outdoors for any amount of citified livin’.
Ah yes, and then there’s work. Sometimes perhaps a bit too much of it, but we do what we do because it needs to be done, we love what we do, and we’re lucky enough to be able to do it here. All of us here at Circumerro are creative professionals in our own way. Some of us have given up more fiscally rewarding career paths in order to live here. But just because we live in the mountains doesn’t mean we are any less engaged professionally than our peers in the big city. Our clients are everywhere, and while we live in Jackson Hole, we work in the world. We’re just lucky to be here, and we celebrate it by being “engaged” in all that we do.