Circumerro Media recently completed design of a video-intensive Web site for Jackson Hole-based development Refuge on Cache. Integrating web video overviews of the development’s details and vision, the site provides a virtual tour of the project. Setting the standard for sustainable development practices, Refuge on Cache is on track to earn the first platinumLeed Certification for a residential, mixed use development in Jackson, WY.
The site walks visitors through the project inside and out, utilizing interviews and architectural renderings to explain the development’s fusion of nature and design. “Refuge on Cache is a truly unique project, and it required an equally unique website to share the complete development story. Circumerro’s extensive experience with web video allowed us to design a site that is both educational and aesthetic,” stated Dan Cook of Refuge on Cache.
“This project forced us to continually refine the details, and in the end deliver a clear and concise message through web video technology,” explained Latham Jenkins, president of Circumerro Media.