Not long ago, Dust Cutter consulted Circ about extending their startup beverage brand into sales collateral and social media. Dust Cutter is a family recipe of Lemonade and Lemon Tea from the Warm Springs Ranch in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. As you could only expect, the brand has a true-to-life cowboy backstory that’s as iconic as it is authentic.
As the story goes, in the Old West, after a long day on the dusty trail, fresh squeezed lemonade was just the thing to cut your thirst. If you’re not already picturing Clint Eastwood or Sam Elliot, I’d love to hear what did come to mind. For us, the ubiquitous yet mysterious persona of the cowboy lends itself perfectly for a close up photo of a thick dusty moustache.
Looking around, one can find all kinds of moustache propaganda for creative inspiration.
Surely, you can recall one of the most memorable and longest running campaigns featuring the moustache, the celebrity “Milk Mustache” concept by MilkPEP. Adopting Goodby, Silverstein & Partners 1993 “Got Milk?” slogan, MilkPEP began their celebrity campaign in 1995 with Naomi Campbell. Fast forward to 2012—hundreds of celebrity milk moustaches later—and we see our summer Olympians sporting the same distinctive white lip we’ve all come to associate with “Got Milk?”
If for some reason, over the last decade, you haven’t heard of “Movember,” now is as good a time as any to become one of over a million Moustache growers in support of changing the face of men’s health each year (ladies too!). According to the official rules, Mo Bros begin the month of November clean shaven—then groom and shape their show of support throughout the month. Together with the Prostate Cancer Foundation and Livestrong, Movember has raised over $175M to date.
Also, we can’t fail to acknowledge our friends at Wieden+Kennedy for bringing us actor Isaiah Mustafa, in a hilarious series of spots for Old Spice. Clearly, a thick moustache… on a well groomed man… on a boat… is a recipe for brilliance.
From milk to Movember, from deodorant to beer, moustaches are everywhere.
We introduced the Dust Cutter cowboy on Facebook in April, 2012, proud to contribute the old west cookie duster story to the annals of moustache-driven advertising. As we continue to help grow the brand, we’ll keep our eyes out for new takes on this irresistible feature of male grooming in the public sphere. Like this new spot we saw just last week during the NBA playoffs (also from Wieden+Kennedy… is there a trend here?) for Heineken Light, representing the handlebar:
With so many moustache ads currently in play, we couldn’t possibly mention them all here. So, feel free to comment and contribute your favorites in this space.